Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kampung Nelayan - Tun Fuad, Bukit Padang

Hello.. salam...

Im back again after 4 days not log in to my blog.. Today i want to Share sumting new in my journey in Sabah-K.Kinabalu..

3 days ago on 15 okt 2008, i`ve go some place that i always go before but never take mention about it.. As we know, there a lots seafood at kk and one of it at Tun Fuad, Bukit Padang that call Kampung Nelayan.. People can come here to recreation, jogging, talking, dancing also eating.. :) In the middle of this place, there a pond.. Its view so nice. People can go to waterfall by human made, also u can rent a canoes(sampan) so that u can drive it around the pond..

On that day i go there with my partner in car rental biz. We want to try something new in a same times we can publish to evreybody. That's why we choose Kampung Nelayan. Actually he did go there before once but for me honestly its new.. U know lah people like me didnt go place like that.. just "lepaking at mamak Stall".. hehehe.. The point is, if u go there u can eat as much as u can. Even 1st, 2nd, 3rd round also can.. kalau tahan lah tuh perut.. hehehe.. its name "Buffet, BBQ and Steambot". Its moto "eat as much as u can but no left".. u know what its mean? it mean u can eat how many u want but one even one things that u take is not finish, they will charge u RM3 per 100g.. jadi kalau ndak dapat habis buang jak lah d tasik tun fuad(tapuk2 lah) hehehe..

After we eat they just charge ur RM39.. wow!! im suprise cuz what i know if eat at seafood confirm expensive.. That time we ate crabs, prawn, chicken, slice meat, sausage, fish ball, fish cake, salad, rice and many more cant remember already.. I suggest if anyone of you want to try it, just come to tun fuad, bukit padang.. bukan d tempat org gila ah.. hehehe.. time makan until perut mau pecah.. huhuhu...

Have Fun..

Hey!! psst!! u all know kah? There a story about this pond.. here.. come closer.. there a Dragon fish in this pond. From the story that i got from people who had live there more then 20 years, its acctually had. People who had a very good luck the only one can see it.. they said its big getting grow to 40 meter and its just take a breath 1 times in a year..

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